HSM 411 L6 Professional, 411.2OMDD, Optical Media Destruction Device, High Security CD Shredder, Security Level 6, NSA/ CSS 02-01 Approved, 15.8 inch throat opening, 24 feet per minute shredding speed, .086x.157 inch shred size, 5,000 passes per day, 1,


HSM 411 L6 Professional, 411.2OMDD, Optical Media Destruction Device, High Security CD Shredder, Security Level 6, NSA/ CSS 02-01 Approved, 15.8 inch throat opening, 24 feet per minute shredding speed, .086x.157 inch shred size, 5,000 passes per day, 1,,

This product is only available to Government users. 

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