HSM Pure 740c Cross Cut Shredder (Level P4) (Sheet Cap: 24-27) (Throat: 15.75″) (Waste: 38.3 Gal) (Auto Oiler) (Paper,CDs,DVDs,Paper Clips,Staples,Credit Cards,EMV) (HW)


HSM Pure 740c Cross Cut Shredder (Level P4) (Sheet Cap: 24-27) (Throat: 15.75″) (Waste: 38.3 Gal) (Auto Oiler) (Paper,CDs,DVDs,Paper Clips,Staples,Credit Cards,EMV) (HW), (3-4 week delivery)

This product is only available to Government users. 

This product is only available to the Federal Government. Login to see the pricing information
